Discipline - Hygiene and Medical Ecology

Associate Professor Nitescu Maria, PhD tenured
Lecturer Munteanu Anca Magdalena, PhD tenured
Lecturer Nedelescu Mirela Maria, PhD tenured
Lecturer Parvu Simona, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Dinca Florentina Iuliana, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Stoian Mihaela Irina, PhD tenured

  • health in relation with the environment (the influence of air, water, soil, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, habitat on health)
  • prevention of nosocomial infections,
  • nutrients and healthy nutrition principles
  • assessment of the nutritional status of the population,
  • assessment of the development of children and young people,
  • assessment of the hygienic conditions in the educational institutions,
  • health surveillance of the children and young people.