Discipline - Medical Semiology - Emergency Clinical Hospital Sf.Pantelimon

Head of works Nechita Alexandru-Cristian, PhD tenured
Head of works Popescu Monica, PhD tenured
Head of works Baluta Monica-Mariana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Andronescu Anna-Maria, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Dumitrascu Alina-Laura, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Tiglea Andreea-Isabela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Enache Vasilica, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Avram Rodica-Lucia, PhD tenured

Internal medicine is the oldest medical specialty, dating from the mid-XIXth century in Romania. The study of internal medicine is based on medical semiology. The Medical Semiology department in the “St. Pantelimon” Clinical Emergency Hospital is the same age as the hospital itself, which was inaugurated in 1972.

Among the important figures who have left their mark on the study of semiology in the “St. Pantelimon” Clinical Emergency Hospital we distinguish: Professor Dr. Ion Ioan Costică, Professor Dr. Ioan Alexandru, Associate Professor Dr. Adrian Paraschiv,  Professor Dr. Marius Vintilă, Associate Professor Dr. Cristina Tănăseanu and Associate Professor Dr. Sorin Stamate, who is currently the Head of the Chair.

In the Clinic of Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the “St. Pantelimon” Clinical Emergency Hospital, the teaching activity intertwines with the clinical activity. The two departments – the Department of Internal Medicine and the Department of Cardiology, together with the Department of Gastroenterology ensure annual healthcare for over 5000 patients, serving a population of about 1 million people.

The patients receive healthcare in recently rehabilitated wards. To ensure the healthcare of critically ill patients, the Acute Corornary Care Unit and the Acute Noncoronary Care Unit (especially for patients with pulmonary diseases) have been introduced.

Recently, the clinic has taken over a compartment of Nephrology. Moreover, it has extensive experience in the pathology of autoimmune diseases.

The clinic is equipped with advanced equipment, such as up-to-date ultrasound machines, ECGs, ECG and blood pressure holter monitors, defibrillators, a bicycle for stress tests, an IT infrastructure for processing patients’ information and for conducting clinical studies and research projects.

In our clinic we conduct various clinical trials, so that the doctors are constantly updated with the latest advances in medicine and patients receive the latest diagnostic and therapeutic methods.

It is well-known that internal medicine was based, from its inception, on the clinical study – semiological, in which the physician would use only anamnesis, observation, palpation, percussion and auscultation for diagnosis procedures. In time, the technology completed the diagnosis procedures with laboratory tests, modern imaging techniques, bacteriology, histopathology, genetics tests, aiming to confirm or refute the suspected diagnosis. Still, the importance of semiology remained unchanged.

The interest of the clinicians in obtaining an improved diagnosis, as a result of the knowledge gained through constant study and diligently practicing medical profession, managed to instill among students and young doctors a true passion for solving the mysteries of semiology.

The Medical Semiology Department of the “St. Pantelimon” Clinical Emergency Hospital inherited the leading figures of the founders of the department, respecting their work in scientific papers and unique clinical case studies, and continued the tradition by publishing numerous papers in reputable journals, specialty books as well as the participation in national and international congresses and conferences.

A major concern for the Semiology Department, along with the continuous training of the teaching staff, is teaching students professional skills and a logical and organized mindset based on theoretical and practical knowledge.

Moreover, the Semiology Department would like to inspire the future specialists with the passion for profession, devotion, self-sacrifice, traits that ennoble the figure of a future physician.

To accomplish these goals, along with responsibly preparing every lecture and practical class, each faculty of the “St. Pantelimon” Clinical Emergency Hospital adopts modern teaching methods and makes use of the advanced equipment of the hospital: ultrasound and ECG machines, ECG holter monitors, stress tests bicycle, projectors and computers.

Lectures and practical classes are structured progressively. The way a teaching physician shares his own experience is very important because not even the greatest book can convey a way of thinking and behaving equal to the one acquired through assisting rounds and discussing clinical cases with the attending physician.

The course includes great practical applications, providing skills such as sense of observation, medical mindset and approach which are necessary for a good practitioner.

The research activity addresses topics of major interest for the current pathology, attempting to improve the diagnosis and treatment. These topics are derived from the emergency profile of the hospital. There is a concern for innovation and development in acute heart failure, acute coronary syndromes, pulmonary thromboembolism and tromboembolic disease, cardiac dysfunction in other acute extra-cardiac conditions, major complications of hypertension, atrial fibrillation and thromboembolic risk. We aim to integrate the standard knowledge in the multitude of modern paraclinical tests, by applying the optimal algorithms for the evaluation of critically ill patients.

The Medical Semiology Department of the “St. Pantelimon” Clinical Emergency Hospital aims to teach students the initial stages required for a physician, to stimulate their curiosity and their interest in scientific research. The integration of ultrasound as a border between the clinical examination and the imaging investigations is a priority for the Medical Semiology Department of the “St. Pantelimon” Clinical Emergency Hospital. The ultrasound is a common instument for the modern intensivist physician and its purpose is to permanently assist the right treatment decision.

The practical classes provide skills such as medical examination, completing medical records (especially the observation sheet) and basic medical maneuvers. Students have the chance to learn from the profesional and personal experience of the teaching physician.

The Clinic of Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the “St. Pantelimon” Clinical Emergency Hospital has been the center of numerous and complex research activities – original, obtained through national grants, international multicenter trials of phases II, III, IV – the start point of scientific communications, articles, theses and monographs.

Currently, the clinic gives PhD students access to rich databases, in fields such as:

  • Echocardiography in acute conditions
  • Acute heart failure
  • Acute myocardial infarction.
  • Pulmonary thromboembolism.
  • Cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Asymptomatic LV dysfunction
  • Evaluating the right ventricle in various pathological conditions.
  • Valvular dysfunction and the interrelation with the endothelium.

Also, the Clinic of Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the “St. Pantelimon” Clinical Emergency Hospital has the staff and the IT infrastructure necessary for statistics.

  • Emergency echocardiography
  • Acute heart failure
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Pulmonary thromnoembolism
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Asymptomatic LV dysfunction
  • Thrombolysis
  1. "Research on development of new biocompatible and nonabsorbable membrane systems used in bone regeneration and transplanted osteo-ligament", Medical coordinator Associate Professor Dr. Sorin Stamate, grant funded by CEEX-VIASAN
  2. Developing an electronic system for controlled infusion of solutions - Senior Lecturer Dr. Alexandru Nechita, Project coordinator as a partner in collaboration with UPB- Faculty of Electronics, 2003 – 2005.
  3. "Optimizing the use of high performance medical techniques in critically ill patient and in disaster situations" – Associate Professor Dr. Sorin Stamate, project responsible, funded by CEEX-VIASAN
  4. "Researchon  physical  and  psychical  stress  induced  by  environmental  factors"  -  Associate Professor Dr. Sorin Stamate, medical coordinator, sectoral plan MAPN
  5. "System for real-time monitoring of the structure safety and integrity of the emergency hospital and alarm earthquake situation", project responsible Associate Professor Dr. Sorin Stamate, funded by PN II
  6. Over 50 sponsored clinical trials
  1. The influence of glycemic control on the kinetic curves of C Reactive Protein and on the outcome of 2645 acute coronary syndrome patients. 47-48 Diabetes UK, Diabetic Medicine 2006;23( 4):1-199.S. Stamate, AC. Nechita, C. Spinu, A. Andronescu, A. Pavelescu, M. Vintila.
  2. Clinical, Biological, Echocardiographic and Therapeutic Determinants of the Length of Hospital Stay of Patients with Acute Heart Failure. Journal of Medicine and Life ISSN 1844-3109  Dec 15;6(4):440-5. Epub 2013 Dec 25.AC Nechita, V.Enache, AM Stroi, RL Ploesteanu, Caterina Delcea, Costel Sorin Stamate.
  3. Metabolic Syndrome And Mean Platelet Volume Variation In Patients With Chest Pain And Negative Cardiac Enzymes. Journal of Medicine and Life ISSN 1844-3109 – 2013 Jun 15;6(2):156-60. Epub 2013 Jun 25. AC Nechita, C Delcea, V Enache, RL Ploesteanu, C Cazacu, AM Andronescu, A M Stroi, CS Stamate.
  4. Cardiac Rupture Complicating Acute Miocardial Infarction – A Descriptive Analysis Evaluting Risk Factors and Particularities. – European Journal of Medical Research. Vol. 13.   1.  (Sept 2008):   22-23.  ISSN 0949-2321.SI Nistor, IM Ion, MC Iliescu, C Delcea, AC Nechita, V Enache.
  5. Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition versus enalaprin in heart failure. N Engl J Med. 2014 Sep11;371(11):993-1004.doi:10.1056/NEJMoal 409077. Epub 2014 Aug 30.JJ McMurray, M Packer, AS Desai, J Gong, MP Lefkowitz, AR Rizkala, JL Rouleau, VC Shi, SD Solomon, K Swedberg, MR Zile; PARADIGM-HF Investigators and Committees
  6. One-year cardiovascular event rates in outpatients with atherothrombosis. Steg PG, Bhatt DL, Wilson PW, S. Stamate, T. Protopopescu, M. Vintila… et al. for the REACH Registry Investigators, in: JAMA 2007; 297(11):1197-206.
  7. Rivaroxaban in patients with a recent acute coronary syndrome. Mega JL, Braunwald E, Wiviott SD, Bassand JP, Bhatt DL, Bode C, Burton P, Cohen M, Cook-Bruns N, Fox KA, Goto S, Murphy SA, Plotnikov AN, Schneider D, Sun X, Verheugt FW, Gibson CM; S. Stamate… ATLAS ACS 2–TIMI 51 Investigators. N Engl J Med. 2012 Jan 5;366(1):9-19. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1112277. Epub 2011 Nov 13. PMID: 22077192
  8. Prasugrel versus clopidogrel for acute coronary syndromes without revascularization. Roe MT, Armstrong PW, Fox KA, White HD, Prabhakaran D, Goodman SG, Cornel JH, Bhatt DL, Clemmensen P, Martinez F, Ardissino D, Nicolau JC, Boden WE, Gurbel PA, Ruzyllo W, Dalby AJ, McGuire DK, Leiva-Pons JL, Parkhomenko A, Gottlieb S, Topacio GO, Hamm C, Pavlides G, Goudev AR, Oto A, Tseng CD, Merkely B, Gasparovic V, Corbalan R, Cinteză M, McLendon RC, Winters KJ, Brown EB, Lokhnygina Y, Aylward PE, Huber K, Hochman JS, Ohman EM; S. Stamate… TRILOGY ACS Investigators. N Engl J Med. 2012 Oct 4;367(14):1297-309. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1205512. Epub 2012 Aug 25. PMID:22920930
  9. Comparison of Guideline – Recommended Therapies in Patients with Documented Coronary Artery Disease Having Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Versus Medical Therapy Only from the REACH International Registry. Steinberg B, S. Stamate, T. Protopopescu, M. Vintila et al. for the REACH Registry Investigators, in: Am J Cardiol 2007; 99:1212–1215.
  10. Thrombolysis: Bucharest registry. Dorobantu M., Tatu-Chitoiu G., Cinteza M., Vinereanu D., Ginghina C., Vintila M., Nechita A., Sinescu C., Fruntelata A.Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss. 2005 Nov;98(11):1166-70.