Discipline - Geriatrics and Gerontology - St. Luke's Chronic Disease Hospital

Head of works Aurelian Sorina-Maria, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Gita Costina Daniela, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Gidei Sandra-Monica, PhD fixed term

The geriatrics and gerontology University clinical section, UMF Carol Davila – Hospital for chronic diseases "Sf Luca" was established in 2011, according to OMECTS Nr 43385/27.06.2011 and OMS 1284/30.08.2011. The necessity of its establishment is part of the hospital’s history, which was named "Hospital for chronic diseases and geriatrics" until 2006, and of the rich professional and research activity known among specialists in the field.

Demographic ageing is present on a national level, being a challenge for society from an economic, political and medical point of view. As geriatricians and lecturers, our concerns include: the management of specific chronic diseases, research projects regarding the health of the elderly population, prevention for vulnerable age groups, the quality of elderly people’s life and care.

Our activity includes participating in European projects regarding the new EU health Policies for the elderly population concerning Falls Prevention, Frailty Guidelines, Action Health Ageing. Geriatricians within the section have been permanently present with scientific research papers to numerous congresses, conferences, both national and international, and published articles in specialty magazines.

The activity of the Geriatrics and Gerontology University Clinic within the hospital is divided in several levels: didactic, research and guidance, thusly:

  1. Didactic activity with residents in the specialties of: geriatrics and gerontology, physical medicine recovery and balneology, family medicine Coordinator Conf. Dr. Ana Capisizu, As. Univ. Dr. Sorina Marina Aurelian
  2. Didactic activity with 3d year medical students- optional class "Semiology in Geriatrics" Coordinator Conf. Dr. Ana Capisizu, As. Univ. Dr. Sorina Maria Aurelian
  3. Didactic and practical activity for general-abdominal echography competence- Coordinator Conf. Dr. Ana Capisizu
  4. Research activity through: publishing articles at length in national/international magazines with an impact factor or BDI/CNCSIS, participating to national or European medical research projects, editing specialty books, monographies.
  5. Guidance activity for the graduation theses of students from both faculties

The peculiarity of a medical university career is that it cannot ignore the clinical integration, or the medical activity. The Geriatrics and Gerontology Clinic is characterized by the uniqueness of its medical, diagnosing, treatment, recovery, chronic diseases surveillance and care of elderly population activities. Society’s needs are increasingly bigger when it comes to the quality of medical activity, to the education given to young students and future doctors in all specialties, to guiding them in research activities.

Medical research comprises not only fundamental research, but also the formalization of the patients’ route, proposal of therapeutic algorithms, procedures, protocols, practical guides, which are the result of day to day medical practice. Publishing new, rare, or atypical cases is also a means to professional learning and development.

Specific to our Clinic is the varied pathology of chronic diseases, most commonly associated, encountered in post-acute recovery: neurological, osteo-articular, cardiovascular, respiratory; deconditioning syndromes, cognitive disturbances in different stages, non-oncological palliative care.

For students and interns we are promoting and applying the modern idea of hands-on implementation of a complex medical education regarding medical activity, research and care with the purpose of continuously improving their knowledge and medical abilities and of maintaining their curiosity in the latest advancements in medicine.

The general purpose of this discipline is the presentation and assimilation by the students of essential theoretical notions from the specialty of Geriatrics and Gerontology and of the practical ways to approach various geriatric pathologies in a complex manner and to ensure qualified care of the elderly.

Student objectives

  • Knowledge on both populational and individual ageing process
  • Knowledge on medical approach of an elderly patient – notions of geriatric medical semiology
  • Knowledge on tridimensional evaluation of the geriatric patient (biologically, functionally, socially)
  • Knowledge on various pathologies, pharmacotherapy and disease-specific care
  • Notions of geriatric recovery
  • Notions of geriatric bio-ethics, of social gerontology


  • Pathy’s principles and practice of Geriatric medicine Ed. Wiley Blackwell, 5th edition 2012
  • Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 7th Edition, Ed. Churchill, Livingstone 2011.
  • Polipatologie si principii terapeutice in geriatrie- Ana Capisizu, Ed Medicala, 2014

Main purpose of the discipline= getting the intern acquainted with the ongoing medical activities in general clinical and especially geriatric practice.

The general purpose consists of presenting, from the fields of geriatrics and gerontology, physical medicine recovery, balneology and family medicine, essential theoretical notions of Geriatrics and Gerontology, recent progress and evolution tendencies in this field, as well as practical ways to approach in a complex manner various geriatric pathologies and to take care of the elderly.

Internship objectives:

  • Individual ageing-physiological process; theories regarding the ageing process
  • Complex tridimensional geriatric evaluation-physical, functional, psychic
  • Modern methods of functional and clinical-para clinical diagnosis-geriatric and gerontologic clinical anamnesis, complex clinical examination, social anamnesis
  • Various characteristic and specific geriatric pathologies; prioritization of various elderly pathologies; well-known geriatric syndromes
  • Specific therapeutic principles of geriatric recovery and care – in acute, subacute and chronic pathology. Notions of excessive drug prescription.
  • Methods of re/integration of the post-acute elderly patient in society


  • Pathy’s principles and practice of Geriatric Medicine Ed. Wiley Blackwell, 5th edition 2012
  • Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 7th Edition, Ed. Churchill, Livingstone 2011.
  • Polipatologie si principii terapeutice in geriatrie- Ana Capisizu, Ed Medicala, 2014
  • The Merk Manual of Geriatrics, 4th Edition, 2006
  1. Physical performance – frailty screening method in the elderly; accessibility to specialists in geriatrics and gerontology, psychiatrists, neurologists, specialists in physical medicine, family doctors, lecturers with superior studies


  • Frailty notions in the elderly
  • Fraily evaluation
  • Screening methods of physical performance
  1. Neuroregenerative/neuroprotective/eutrophic treatment for the elderly; accessibility to specialists in geriatrics and gerontology, psychiatrists, neurologists, specialists in physical medicine, family doctors, lecturers with superior studies      


  • Neuroregenerative/neuroprotective/eutrophic products – clinical pharmacology data
  • Administration methods
  • Therapeutic algorithm for different clinical situations
  • Administration technique of Gerovital – Ana Aslan method
  • Geriatric recovery
  • Management of chronic diseases
  • Quality of life and care of the elderly
  • Elderly frailty
  • Diet and nutrition for the elderly
  • Active and healthy ageing
  • Reducing/falls (?) and prevention of complications
  • Social reintegration of the disabled elderly
  1. European project of CPME HEALTHY AND ACTIVE AGEING: A3 Action Group on "Prevention and early diagnosis of frailty and functional decline, both physically and cognitive, in older people" – Frailty in general-good practices coverage in Romania
  2. International project The economic and social burden of dementia in Romania EUROPUBHEALTH Faculty of Health Sciences of the JAGIELLONIAN University Krakow
  3. MEDAS project "Instruction of doctors and nursing staff from hospitals in management and usage of new technologies"/POSDRU/63/3.2/S/20264
  4. National project "Method and flexible system intra and post-operatory for separating (?) and fixing cervical vertebrae, in order to reduce trauma on the anterior border of the spinal cord"acronym DEFIVEC, innovation program from PN II, subprogram Support services for innovation- innovation checks, with financing from the state budget
  1. Findings Regarding the Relationships Between Sociodemographic, Psychological, Comorbidity Factors, and Functional Status, in Geriatric Inpatients Authors: Capisizu A, Aurelian S, Zamfirescu A, Omer I, Haras M, Ciobotaru C, Onose L, Spircu T, Onose G –in: GeNeDis 2014, Geriatrics, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology–Springer International Publishing (SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, BERLIN, GERMANY, D-14197) SeriesISSN:0065 2598(http://ipscience.thomsonreuters.com/cgibin/jrnlst/jlresults.cgi?PC=MASTER&ISSN=0065-2598) Volume 821, pp 45-55, 2015 ISBN 973-3-319-08938-6 ISI ( FI = 1,825)
  2. Arterial stiffness in relation to age and frailty Autors: SM. Aurelian, A. Capisizu, A. Zamfirescu, D. Cheta rezumat EAS Congres Madrid, Atherosclerosis,Atherosclerosis,  235, Issue 2, e225–e226, ISI (FI=3,704)
  3. Multifactorial hemodynamic entities of hypertension at the elderly, Authors: Ana Capisizu, S.M.Aurelian, C.Badiu, Andreea Zamfirescu, articol Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2015, 31: 847-850 2015, ISI ( FI=0,333)
  4. Effectiveness of Physical Exercise Training in Elderly with Mild to Moderate Dementia Authors: ANDREEA ZAMFIRESCU, ANCA MIRSU-PAUN, SORINA MARIA AURELIAN, MIRCEA SLAVILA, IOANA OMER, ALEX.A. CAPISIZU, ADRIANA SARAH NICA, ANA CAPISIZU oral presentation, First EAN Congress European Journal of Neurology, Vol 22, Issue suppl. S1 Pg173 Poster Presentation with Discussion. European Journal of Neurology, 22: 120–482. doi: 10.1111/ene.12807 ISI, FI=4,055
  5. Comparison of the effectiveness of three rehabilitation therapies in post stroke elderly patients Authors: ANA CAPISIZU, ADRIANA SARAH NICA, ANDREEA ZAMFIRESCU, ANCA MIRSU-PAUN, ALEX.A. CAPISIZU, SORINA MARIA AURELIAN rezumat First EAN Congress European Journal of Neurology, Vol 22 Issue suppl. S1 Pg 666 Flash Posters. European Journal of Neurology, 22: 483–827. doi: 10.1111/ene.12808 ISI, FI=4,055
  6. COGNITIVE DECLINE IN RELATION TO THYROID DYSFUNCTION IS STILL A QUESTION? Authors: Ana Capisizu, Sorina M. Aurelian, Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2014, 30: (703-707), ISI (FI =0,333)
  7. Medical and legal aspects of elderly patients with dementia Authors: Ana Capisizu, Sorina Aurelian, Constantin Bogdan, articol RJLM Vol 22 /1-80, (51-54) ISI (FI = 0,152)
  8. CORELAAcIA INDICELUI GLEZNĂ-BRAAc CU FRAGILITATEA LA PACIENAcII VARSTNICI DIABETICI Correlation between ankle-brahial index and frailty in elderly diabetics Authors Sorina Maria Aurelian, Ana Capisizu, Prof. Dr. Dan Cheta articol REVISTA MEDICALA ROMANA – VOLUMUL LXI, NR. 1, (32-37), BDI
  9. THE IMPACT OF ARTERIAL STIFFNESS ON COGNITIVE STATUS IN ELDERLY DIABETIC PATIENTS Authors Sorina Maria Aurelian, Ana Capisizu, Andreea Zamfirescu, Dan CheALa articol Rom J Diabetes Nutr Metab Dis. 21(1):63-67 doi: 10.2478/ rjdnmd-2014-0010 BDI
  10. A possible link between frailty and diabetes. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Managment of Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications. Ed Niculescu, 2016,79-89, ISSN 2393-3488 indexat ISI. Authors: SM Aurelian, OM Stanciu, A Zamfirescu, J Aurelian, AS Nica, A Capisizu