- Questionnaire for evaluating the quality of teaching activity and the university environment - students - 2024-2025
- Ethics and Professional Deontology Code
- Regulations for initiation, approval, monitoring and regular evaluation of study programmes
- Regulations for the professional activity of students
- Bachelor’s Degree Studies Agreement For Romanian and Foreign Citizens Studying in English
- Regulations for the organisation and deployment of the admission competition for the bachelor's degree studies
- Regulations for defence of bachelor's degree examination
- Methodology regarding the academic mobility of students from the higher education institutions accredited or temporarily authorized in Romania, enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree cycle
- Regulations for deployment of ERASMUS incoming mobilities
- Guidelines for organisation and functioning of the alumni community of CDUMP
- Methodology concerning the peer review in CDUMP
- Analytical Programme - Courses and Practical activities
- Regulations for the organisation and performance of specialised internship in CDUMP
- Education Plan 2022-2023
- Methodology for admission to Ph.D. studies 2021-2022 (Section 3 - Romanians from any country)
- Methodology for enrolment in Bachelor’s degree studies in UMFCD in Romanian language in the first year (academic year 2022-2023) for citizens from third countries of EU
- Methodology for organization of student events in CDUMP
- Regulations for organization and functioning of the Commission for Evaluation and Quality Assurance
- Regulations for organization and deployment of post-doctoral programmes of advanced research in IOSUD
- Regulations for the tutoring activity in CDUMP
- Methodology for granting credits for volunteering activities of UMFCD students
- Decision Summer internship (2020-2021)
- Regulations for travelling in the country and abroad during study activity
- Methodology for admission to Ph.D. studies 2022-2023 (Section 1 - Romanians and EU Citizens)
- Methodology - Scholarship Granting within CDUMP
- Methodology - Housing of students in UMFCD hostels (academic year 2022-2023)
- Framework Regulations - The Organization and functioning of student hostels and cafeteria
- Personal Competition Methodology for didactic and research positions in CDUMP
- Methodology for assesing the students' opinion towards the didactic process
- The methodology regarding the evaluation of teacher's opinion towards the teaching process