Discipline - Public Health and Management
- List of academic staff
- Short History of the medical discipline and research
- Description of the medical activities
- Description of the educational activities and research
- Useful information for students (Information on curricula or bibliographic references etc)
- Useful information related to post-graduate courses (Information on curricula or bibliographic references etc)
- Useful information for Phd students (Information on curricula or bibliographic references etc)
- 5-10 keywords which describe your subdomains of interest for the research activity
- 5 of the most representative research projects carried out
- Up to 10 the most significant scientific works
Professor | Minca Dana Galieta, PhD | tenured |
Professor | Furtunescu Florentina Ligia, PhD | tenured |
Associate Professor | Brinduse Lacramioara Aurelia, PhD | tenured |
Associate Professor | Pana Bogdan Cristian, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Bratu Eugenia Claudia, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Dragoescu Antoaneta, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Steriu Andreea, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Cioran Nicoleta Valentina, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Vicol Corina, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Calinoiu Geovana, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Moise-Petu Maria, PhD | fixed term |
Assistant Professor | Balaceanu Anca Maria, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Buzatu Mihai, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Dinculescu Georgeta, PhD | tenured |
Higher Medical and Pharmaceutical Education in Bucharest dates back more than a century and has its origins in the efforts of Carol Davila, a Romanian physician of French origin who, in collaboration with Nicolae Kretzulescu, set up in 1857 the National School of Medicine and Pharmacy . Despite all the difficulties encountered, the National School of Medicine and Pharmacy gradually developed, and on November 12, 1869, it turned into the Faculty of Medicine in Bucharest, a faculty composed at that time of eight departments, including the Department of Hygiene, Legal Medicine and Toxicology.
The public health germs, initially linked to Public Hygiene, Police and Health Administration, appear on I. Felix's initiative and the social variable in determining the state of health on the initiative of Ştefan Şt. Rock, 70-80 years before shaping social medicine as scientific discipline with academic status.
In 1942, following the steps taken by Gheorghe Banu, the first department of social medicine in Romania was established in Bucharest. During this time, hygiene and public health were illustrated by first-person scientific personalities of Romanian medicine such as V. Sion, I. Moldovan, I. Cantacuzino, D. Mezincescu, S. Manuilă, P. Rîmneantu and others.
The history of public health education in over 100 years of existence has several important characteristics.
Thus, his appearance was related to social need, and his development attributable to advances made in medical and social sciences. Social medicine has been since its debates about practice. Moreover, the formal emergence of university education followed the establishment of hygiene and public health institutes in 1927, in Bucharest (D. Mezincescu) and in 1930, in Cluj (I. Moldovan). Public health has developed as a scientific discipline as microbiology, health chemistry and epidemiology have become important, and hygiene has diversified. In fact, the heads of the departments in Bucharest, Cluj and Iasi have worked for a certain period of time and as directors of the respective institutes.
Social and community preoccupations dominated university education, and critical health issues in the rural area made rich literature in this area appear in Bucharest and Iasi (Gh. Banu, Th. Ilea, P. Pruteanu), determined the birth of the Institute of Social Assistance under the leadership of Veturia Mănuilă, the nursing institution and model nets initiated by the Cluj school, as well as the imagination of some new organizational forms in ambulatory assistance in Bucharest, able to support the preventive actions and the practical education of trainees in dispensaries combined General medicine and polyclinics with diagnostic stationary.
Experience has inspired education, and scientific knowledge has fueled the renewal of practice in all university centers. In Cluj, Bucharest and Iasi, the heads of public health departments have performed important functions in the local or central health administration as directors, secretaries-general or ministers, these being true specialty laboratories.
The basic medical training was supplemented by various forms of specialization and advanced or doctoral studies and master courses in Bucharest and Cluj. In these university centers the heads of the departments led the university or postgraduate education as deans or vice-rectors, putting their personality footprint on the organization of the content and the promotion of modern pedagogical methods.
Serious health problems have also called for attention from universities that have been involved in national programs to control communicable diseases, some of which are non-transmissible, with massive spread, reduced infant mortality, or reproductive health promotion.
In this framework, the participation of teachers in Bucharest after 1990 in the new and difficult process of the Romanian care system reform. This change has created new needs in the field of research and development and technical assistance, which is also felt today. This explains the emergence of the National Institute for Health Services and Management in 1991, initially made up of some part-time teachers who, although currently functioning without titular teachers, have a rich activity in the field of technical assistance and postgraduate training, Of many young specialists trained in the country and abroad. The emergence of the Healthcare Management Institute has made it possible to develop didactic and non-didactic staff in many new disciplines of public health management and health services.
The separation of the two components of modern public health into two independent institutes was not beneficial either to the two institutions of the Ministry of Health or to basic and postgraduate medical education. Perhaps the present situation requires an analysis with a modern and efficient organizational solution and especially a human and financial resources support from the two ministries. Experience has shown that the inexplicable long-standing relationship between education and research has been beneficial to both hygiene institutes and departments in their academic work.
The rare human resources available to public health departments today proved to be insufficient to meet both socio-medical development requirements and their own scientific development.
The education of social medicine began 60 years ago in Bucharest by Gh. Banu, but the scientific bases of modern public health were put in Cluj by I. Moldovan and his collaborators.
Domains of overarching concerns can be identified at each of the public health schools in the main provinces of Romania. Thus, in Iasi - rural medicine, demography and epidemiology; In Cluj - quantitative methods, medical-social assistance, the importance of the family and the reorganization of the sanitary system by the Moldovan Sanitary and Welfare Act of 1930, in Timişoara - demography and family medicine, etc.
In Bucharest, the most important center for the public health education and health management in our country, the main concerns were: the assessment of health and quality of life related to health, the complex analysis of human reproduction, the use of new methods for measuring and comparing general mortality And pediatric use, the application of statistical and epidemiological methods in public health, rural health, medicine and family physician, health planning and assessment, health promotion and health education, mass prevention strategies and new health management chapters. A private place after 1992 reformed the health care system in Romania.
Specialists from Bucharest, starting with the youngest, benefited in 1992-2002 from specialization courses and in-depth courses in Europe and North America. Few of them continue to work in public academic institutions in the country. Both the Department of Public Health and Management and the Institute for Management of Health Services have established many collaborative relationships with schools in Western Europe, Canada and the USA.
The current content of public health and management training programs is in line with the European Union Charter on Training Requirements of Public Health Specialists, drafted in 1995 by the EMU.
As public health could not develop outside of society, it suffered the influence of the ideological trends in Romania in the years 1940 - 1990. These are, on the one hand, the eugenic and biopolitical theories present in some of the works of Gh. Banu and I. Moldovan and after 1947-1948, of the overall influence of Semasco's Soviet School in all university centers, especially in the chapters on health care principles, planning and modeling of sanitary organization. It is noteworthy that none of the leaders of the public health departments found themselves in an ideological, militant zeal, and when they could, they happily fought after 1948, developing and applying the components of methods and techniques - Quantified in public health and health administration. Critical or critical theoretical elements from this point of view in their works can not in any way obscure the works made by the main personalities of the medical schools in Romania, mentioned earlier.
Public Health is "the art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts of society" (Acheson, 1988; WHO). Among the most relevant activities carried out in the course of time in the framework of the discipline of public health and management are training activities and research in the following areas:
- The monitoring and evaluation of the health status of the general population or private groups of vulnerable persons,
- To identify and prioritize the problems of public health,
- The elaboration of public policies, strategies and programs to improve the health status, for the prevention and control of diseases which constitute the major problems of public health and for the improvement of health services,
- Health promotion at the level of a population or of some vulnerable groups,
- The organization, financing and the quality of medical services,
- The assessment of the medical technologies, economic assessments,
- The evaluation of the quality and effeciency of the programs of work in the field of public health,
- Communication and management of projects in the field of public health,
- Clinic Epidemiology
All the activities shall be entered in the large spectrum of health and welfare, with the aim of improving and maintaining the health of the general population.
The discipline of Public Health and Management aims to improve public health by education and training students during university and post-graduate courses , so that they master the methods and techniques in the sphere of public health and management of health services, necessary to any doctor, regardless of specialty and while making a more detailed examination, should be able to take the decision both in the field of public health and in the management of health services.
The discipline seeks to provide, at the highest level, education in this field, both for specialists and for clinicians, to improve health services and encourage the implementation of the newest developments in order to improve human health.
Also for maintaining the status as a top educational institute, information is disseminated and project for the development of skills for the communication in the medical field and for the public awareness that public health is a fundamental right.
The teaching staff, together with the students of the university enrolled to university and post-graduate courses or those in the framework of graduate education and post-graduate education shall bring expertise in areas of topical interest for these times of globalization, from the identification of the causes of the diseases which dominates mortality and morbidity to the development of efficient and effective intervention programs.
Research themes
- The development of strategies for the reform of the health care system.
- Evaluation studies of the health status and services
- Assessment and prediction of the human resource requirements; physicians in general medicine or specialists,
- The institutional reform program (PHARE)
- The investigation of the doctor's satisfaction
- To attract and establish doctors in rural areas
- Sociodemographic analysis of the medical population
- . Sociodemographic analysis of the personnel in the health care system
- The assessment of the residency program
- High mortality rate of young people
- The assessment of the political process in the field of the health care system
- Disparity in the process of specialty assistance
- Integration of health in the strategies of regional development
- Development of health project regionally integrated
- Deactivation of a coordinated nursing area (integrated networks) in counties (especially in the rural areas)
- Study of the determining factor that cause chronic diseases (especially behaviorally factors) and the variation of the frequency on environments
- The size and the increase in medical errors
- Determining needs of patients in the hospital for the population socially dependent
- Synthetic indicators of health and disparities in counties
- The health atlas and health services in Romania
- Poverty as an independent variable in the application and use of health services
- Proven injustice in the health status and access to health care services
- Social polarization as agradient of the health status
- Decisions of the health policies based on records
- Health impact assessment tool
- The guides of the preventive services
- Changes made in the structure and functions of the family in Romania and their impact on the services of public health
- Mental Health
- Poor people's access to health services
- Applications of epidemiology in health managemnt
- The evaluation and control of risks
- Special notes in the multiannual evolution of the multiannual basis the demographic phenomenon
The students of the long term university education carried out in the framework of the discipline of public health different activities, from participation in courses or practical work to the development of mini-projects of applicative research as teamwork projects.
When students participate in activities of the discipline, the aim is that they understand the concepts of public health and the factors affecting health status, to develop their abilities to apply epidemiological methods used in the field of public health and to assess the role of preventive strategies in the health policies, to acquire knowledge about the methods of research in the management of health services, health economy, financial management, ethics and legislation of health.
Students have the opportunity to choose to write their diploma under the guidance of the teaching staff , so that in each year a number of approximately 20 students write their diplomas with topics in the sphere of public health.
The students of the long term university cycle can obtain more useful information for preparation: regulation for students, the curriculum, manuals in electronic format, examples of questions for the exam.
The discipline of public health and management shall coordinate the program of Master’s Degree- university studies cycle type II Bologna, with a duration of 4 semesters: "Research and operational work in the management of the services of medico-social and public health".
DOWNLOAD Manual studenti - Ed. universitara 2005 Capitolul 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, coperta, cuprins
DOWNLOAD Suport informational pentru sectiunea Management Introducere in management, Finatarea sistemelor de sanatate, Economie sanitara.
The discipline of public health helds post -universitary activities, either in the field of research - at the level of preparation for obtaining the Phd, either for specialization in this field - training in the residency program of the public health and management or other related industries , to expand their knowledge- certificate courses or short-term post-graduate courses.
Regarding the preparation of specialists in training for the specialty of public health and management, the curriculum provides a number of 200 hours (course, practical work, presentations of cases) per university year, but there is also expected 40-50 hours of individual study . From the time allowed for preparation, educational activity covers 20-30%, the rest of 70-80%, being dedicated to the practical activities and individual study.
Also, in every year there are various short post-universitary courses which have the purpose to update one's knowledge with the help of specialists with the newest and most modern methods and techniques of work in the field.
In the framework of the discipline of Public Health and Management there are PhD papers conducted in the field of Social Medicine, Senior Lecturer being prof. Mrs. Dana Galieta Minca.
- determinants of health,
- health services,
- quality,
- economic assessment,
- ethics
- POSDRU Project/159/1.5/S/138907"Excelenta in cercetarea stiintifica, interdisciplinara, doctorala si postdoctorala, in domeniile Economic, Social si Medical - EXCELIS", Axa prioritara 1 „EducaALia AYi formarea profesionala in sprijinul cresterii economice si dezvoltarii societatii bazate pe cunoastere", Domeniul Major de Interventie 1.5- „Programe doctorale si postdoctorale in sprijinul cercetarii" implemented by the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest together with the University of Bucharest and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila"
- Project nr 7F- 01631.03.01 – "Formare postuniversitara in Romania. Competente in administrarea si gestionarea sistemului de sanatate publica" , 2005-2007 – Financed by the Swiss cooperation program - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and implemented in partnership with Sezione Sanitaria – Department of Health and Social Welfare Canton of Ticino
- Project "Solutii pentru imbunatatirea depistarii si tratarii persoanelor adulte fara adapost bolnave de tuberculoza aflate pe raza de actiune a SAMUSOCIAL" – in the framework of "Dezvoltarea cercetarii operationale in controlul tuberculozei in Romania"- financed by the the "Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria"– round 6, with the help of Fundation Romanian Angel Appeal and implemented by the Center of Politics and Health Services
- Project "Strengthening Engagement In Public Health Research – STEPS (2009 – 2011)" – project financed by UE FP 7 (Science in Society)
- Project "Studiu national al institutiilor pentru adulti cu dizabilitati mintale in statele europene", implemented in partnership with Biroul OMS Romania and Autoritatea Nationala pentru Persoane cu Handicap
- Project "Provocari privind sanatatea refugiatilor – suntem in masura sa raspundem nevoilor?" implemented with the help of Biroul OMS Romania
The Research Center in Public Health produces, disseminates and supports the scientific evidences that lead to the creation of policies and programs to improve the health of the population. The Research Center in Public Health is attached to the Department of Public Health and Management.
The Centre provides an organizational framework for the development of population studies, methodologies and economic assessment, evaluation of public health policies, systematic reviews of literature, for practical guides to support public health and health planning tools. Through these studies the Centre contributes to founding based on evidences of management decisions with the structure of services and facilities, public health programs and policies for an efficient allocation of resources and improvement in population health indicators.
These actions of scientific research, in addition to their application in the health system contribute to the development of training materials and information in public health and management.
To achieve these objectives, the Centre aims multisectoral collaboration, both intra-organizational academic with clinical departments and with public partners (universities, international organizations, hospitals, etc.) and private partners (companies, businesses), non-governmental organizations involved in public health.
Prof. MD Dana Galieta Minca
Senior Lectr. MD Florentina Ligia Furtunescu
Head of Works MD Eugenia Bratu
Head of Works MD Antoaneta Dragoescu
Head of Works MD Irina Eclemea
Head of Works MD Bogdan Cristian Pana
Head of Works MD Adriana Vasile
Assistant Professor Lacramioara Aurelia Branduse
Assistant Professor Nicoleta Valentina Cioran
Assistant Professor Ileana Mardare
PhD Students:
- Dr. Alin Preda
- Dr. Catalin Alexandru Godra
- Dr. Alexandru Chirca
- Dr. Adina Picus
- Dr. Mirela Georgescu Dinescu
- Dr. Cristina Hobeanu
- Dr. Voichita Pop
Areas covered:
- Development of methodologies for different types of studies at the population level.
- Development and database management for Health Statistics.
- Design of policies, strategies, health system-level interventions and health providers.
- Analysis and design of mechanisms for financing health services.
- Develop operational research to evaluate management activities at the hospital.
- Analysis of needs and planning structures for services, clinical and laboratory, beds or outpatient.
- Biostatistics and analysis database population.
- Evaluation of technology and medicine / public health based on evidence.
- Ratings economic programs in health services and therapies.
- Research implementation in training
Current researches:
· WHO Regional survey of Institutions for adults with disabilities in European Member States, project developed in partmership with The National Authority for Disabled Persons,
· WHO – Health challenges for refugees – assessing the health system capacity to manage large influxes of migrants, project developed in partnership with World Health Organization – Romanian Ofice,
· Strenghtening Engagement In Public health Research – STEPS project with UE FP 7 founding (Science in Society), implemented through a partnership with The Centre for Health Policies and Services.
PhD theses sustained in the Department of Public Health Management after 2010
- Compatibility of a system of health insurance and complementary insurance - growth opportunities in healthcare satisfaction -2010
- Evaluation of human resources policies in health. The impact of informal payments -2010
- Identification and evaluation of variations in medical practice and their determinants, in providing hospital services to vulnerable groups of patients -2011
- Evaluation of continuity as a dimension of quality of care – 2011
- Strategic approaches for intervention to reduce mortality and morbidity due to road accidents in Romania -2012
- Assessment of the needs of mental health services in the community -2012
- Considerations on chronic disease management in the health insurance system in Romania. Case Study - chronic psoriasis - 2012
- Dynamics of fertility in Romania: trends, consequences, intervention policies -2012
- Assessment of the relationship between programs of substitution treatment and mortality among heroin users – 2013
- Cardiovascular diseases - public health issue in Syria - 2013
- Methods of adapting the Romanian health system at current and future demographic profile - 2014
- Assessment of quality of life after recovery of patients with spastic hemiparesis of vascular cause - 2014
- Assessment of burden of disease in public health interventions - 2014
- Map of the social needs of the vulnerable population in a district of Bucharest -2015
- Rare diseases in institutional approach versus populational - 2015
- Study and monitoring of TB in the population of homeless people in Bucharest - 2016
Presentation Assoc. Prof. Florentina Furtunescu
Presentation Assist. Prof. Ileana Mardare
- Managementul serviciilor de sănătate. Abordare prin proiecte – Florentina Ligia Furtunescu, Dana Galieta Mincă (coord), ediția ediția a doua revizuită și completată, Editura Universitară ”Carol Davila”, București, 2010. ISBN 978-973-708-446-0
- Metode și instrumente în cercetarea operațională – Dana Galieta Mincă, Florentina Furtunescu. Exclus Publishing, București, 2012. ISBN 978-606-93255-3-7
- Sănătate publică și management sanitar. Note de curs pentru învățământul postuniversitar Ediția a doua revizuită – Dana Galieta Mincă, Mihail Grigorie Marcu, Editura Universitară ”Carol Davila”, București, 2005. ISBN 973-708-093-9
- Sănătate publică și management sanitar. Sănătate publică. Curs pentru studenții Facultății de medicină – Dana Galieta Mincă (coord), Autori : Dan Enăchescu, Mihai Grigorie Marcu, Adriana Vasile, Florentina Furtunescu, Dana Dragomir, Eugenia Claudia Bratu, Alin Popescu, Carmen Țereanu. Editura Universitară ”Carol Davila”, București, 2005. ISBN 973-708-042-4
- România. Profilul stării de sănătate pe baza indicatorilor comunitari ECHI – Florentina Furtunescu, Adriana Galan, Alexandra Cucu (coord). Editura Universitară ”Carol Davila”, București, 2012. ISBN 978-973-708-650-1
- Minca D, Furtunescu F, Calinoiu G, Domnariu C, Costea R. Profile of persons involved in traffic accidents in Romania. Rom J Leg Med.2013 Jun;21(2):155 – 160. DOI:10.4323/rjlm.2013.155. ISSN 1221-8618 (print) ISSN 1844-8585 (online).
- Domnariu CD, Ilies A, Furtunescu FL. Influence of family Modelling on Children’ Healthy Eating Behavior. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala. 2013 Jun;41:77-95. ISSN 1583-3410 (print) ISSN 1584-5397 (electronic)
- Bratu E, Mincă D, Furtunescu F, Costea R, “Live births trend in Romania: 2007-2025 alternative projection”, Gineco.eu. 2013. Vol. 9. Nr. 31 (1/2013) p.: 29-31, ISSN: 1841-4435
- Furtunescu F, Minca D, Vasile A, Domnariu C. Alcohol consumption impact on premature mortality in Romania. Rom J Leg Med.2009 Dec;17(4):296-302. DOI:10.4323/rjlm.2009.296 ISSN 1221-8618 (print) ISSN 1844-8585 (online).
- Tereanu C, Baili P, Berrino F, Micheli A, Furtunescu FL, Minca DG, Sant M. Recent trends of cancer mortality in Romanian adults: mortality is still increasing, although young adults do better than the middle-aged and elderly population. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2013 May;22(3):199-209. doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0b013e3283581d90 ISSN 0959-8278 (print) ISSN 1473-5709