Discipline - Allergology - Adult Clinic Hospital N. Malaxa

Associate Professor Popescu Florin Dan, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Preda Mariana, PhD tenured

During the seventies and eighties of the last century, Professor Ervan Seropian, an outstanding medical personality and founder of the Romanian school of Allergology, was the one who coordinated the didactic and clinical activity at the university.

Between 1997 and 2007, Dr. Jeana Rodica Radu, as a Professor at the University, led the Department of Allergology in the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy at “Nicolae Malaxa” Clinical Hospital, Bucharest. Professor Radu was the founder of the Romanian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (RSACI) and the RSACI Journal.

Since 2007, Associate Professor Florin-Dan Popescu is the Head of the Allergology Discipline of the Faculty of Medicine of the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy at the "Nicolae Malaxa" Clinical Hospital in Bucharest.  Florin-Dan Popescu was, from 1997 to 2016, General Secretary, Vice President and President-elect of RSACI, and from 2017 he is a national representative of RSACI at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI). Dr. Florin-Dan Popescu is a member of the Executive Committee of EAACI in the period 2017-2019 as EAACI Social Media Editor. EAACI, an association of clinicians, researchers and health professionals, with more than 10,000 members from 121 countries and over 50 national societies, is the main source of expertise in Europe for all aspects of Allergology.

Since 2000, Associate Professor Florin-Dan Popescu and Assistant Professor Mariana Vieru are Honorary Members of RSACI. Both are members of the EAACI and the World Allergy Organization (WAO).

Medical activities comprise specific diagnostic and therapeutic methods. In vivo allergy tests include skin prick tests with envirnonment aeroallergens, including allergenic extracts from the recommended European series, skin prick and prick-prick tests with available trofalergens, tests with physical agents, skin patch tests with selected haptens, including the European reference series; systemic challenge/provocation tests (oral or parenteral), if appropriate. In vivo autoreactive tests in patients with urticaria are intradermal tests with autologous non-cellular blood liquid component. Medical activities include, where appropriate, functional ventilatory assessments, with or without a bronchomotor pharmacodynamic test.

In vitro tests of allergy and clinical immunology include, where appropriate, serum immunoglobulin and complement fraction determinations; total serum IgE and specific IgE against native aeroallergens, food allergens and other allergen extracts, against natural highly purified and recombinant molecular allergen components, determination of serum autoimmune, viral or tumor serum immunomarkers.

The pharmacotherapeutical and / or immunotherapy recommendations are accompanied by prophylactic and therapeutic education of patients with immunoallergic pathology including flyers / leaflets  with detailed information on prophylaxis measures to avoid exposure to allergens or other triggering or aggravating factors of adverse hypersensitivity reactions.

Educational activities for students: The courses aim at gaining skills to recognize the main immune-mediated hypersensitivity diseases, to know how to detect and diagnose important allergic diseases, to familiarize with the prophylaxis and treatment of allergic diseases, to provide general notions of allergy pharmacotherapy and allergen immunotherapy, abilities to know the indications and contraindications of in vivo and in vitro allergy tests, and guidance to a specialist. Practical activities aim to familiarize students with specific methods of diagnosis and treatment, activities in the allergy and clinical immunology laboratory, the role of in vitro and in vitro allergy tests in allergy diagnosis, interactive discussions about allergic diseases / hypersensitivity mediated by immune mechanisms.

Educational activities for residents: In order to obtain the theoretical and practical skills following the promotion of the training modules, lectures, mini-lectures or presentations are organized, based on case-based discussions or clinical exercises / scenarios, effective participation in maneuvers, procedures and practical activities in the clinic of allergology and clinical immunology and clinical immunology laboratory activities, particularly oriented on principles, indications, methodology and techniques, attendance as a passive observer / assistant, educational simulation or supervised, after case, always with interpretation, with the direct observation of the procedural skills, the mode of involvement / performance / monitoring of the maneuvers and procedures of immunoallergic tests, the immunobiological sampling and the application of the pharmacotherapeutic and / immunotherapy  set up for the patient, with well-defined objectives and means, with demonstration of communication skills through presentations of cases and reports, research / publication activities, where applicable.

Facilities for educational and research activities for in vivo allergy procedures: in vivo allergy diagnostics testing kits for skin prick tests with environmental allergens, including the European aeroallergen panel recommended by the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network of Excellence, skin prick or prick-prick tests with available food allergens, selected patch tests with contact haptens, including the European Baseline series; sterile collecting and reintroduction systems for sera prepared for autoreactivity tests, hypersensitivity tests for drugs and vaccines; spirometer, peak-flow meters, nebulizers.

Facilities for educational and research activities for in vitro immunoallergy tests include solid-phase multiplex immunoassay systems for the in vitro determination of specific IgE againts native aeroallergen and food allergen extracts, pollen-food cross-reactive allergens, recombinant molecular allergens, for autoantibodies screening in autoimmune diseases; automatic immunoassay system based on enzymatic amplified chemiluminescence in liquid-phase, including for the determination of autoimmunity and hormonal biomarkers; high performance automatic nephelometer for specific protein assays, immunoglobulins and complement fractions; performance centrifuge for serum preparation for autoreactivity testing in patients with urticaria; rapid immunodiagnostic systems for autoimmune, infectious, and tumor biomarkers.

Optional Course for Students (Year V, Faculty of Medicine) with updated teaching material according to the analytical program; projection of related imaging, laptop projection; PowerPoint presentations, multimedia; interactive applied teaching. The curriculum includes:

  • Allergic diseases - nomenclature and classifications. Allergens and allergen sources.
  • Allergic inflammation. Diagnosis, pharmacotherapy and immunotherapy in IgE-mediated allergies
  • Allergic rhinitis and eye allergies.
  • Allergic asthma
  • Urticaria and angioedema
  • Allergic contact dermatitis. Atopic eczema.
  • Anaphylaxis. Notions for diagnosis and treatment in food and drug allergies.

Practical activities have a component of teaching principles, techniques, clinical methods and laboratory applications, under direct guidance, practical activities - principles, techniques, interactive assistance, which include:

  • Identification and quantification of allergens. Prophylaxis measures for aeroallergen exposure. Particularities of hymenoptera venom allergy.
  • Methods for determining total and specific IgE. Diseases with elevated serum total serum IgE.
  • In vitro investigation of complement system components and serum immunoglobulins
  • Allergen extracts and allergy skin prick testing. Autoreactivity / autoimmunity tests.
  • Contact haptens and allergy skin patch tests. European baseline series.
  • Methods for determining biomarkers of allergic inflammation. Functional monitoring in asthma.
  • Allergen immunotherapy principles. Biomarkers and pharmacological emergency kit for anaphylaxis.

Selective bibliography and optional e-learning sources

  • Lecture support in portable formal, practical summaries
  • Popescu FD. Antihistaminicele în alergologie, Editura Universitară "Carol Davila", Bucureşti 2003
  • Dumitru Moldovan, Popescu FD. Urticaria - o provocare de diagnostic şi tratament. Rinita alergică - diagnostic şi tratament. Editura Prisma, Târgu Mureş 2003
  • Popescu FD - capitolele: Explorarea funcţională a aparatului respirator, Testarea cutanată în alergiile respiratorii, Pneumonitele de hipersensibilitate, Astmul (pp. 55-66; 89-98; 130-147; 173-184; 201-246) În: Pneumologie, ed. Dincă EM, Editura Sitech, 2006
  • Allergy, by Stephen T. Holgate MD, Lawrence M. Lichtenstein MD PhD, and Martin K. Church, 2006.
  • Patterson's Allergic Diseases (Allergic Diseases: Diagnosis & Management) Grammer & Greenberger, 2009.
  • World Allergy Organization (WAO) Education in Allergy, www.worldallergy.org
  • GINA - the Global Initiative For Asthma. ginasthma.com
  • EAACI (European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Imunology) Position Papers and Guidelines www.eaaci.org

Assoc. Prof. Popescu Florin-Dan, Senior Consultant in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Head of the University Clinic and Allergy Discipline in the "Carol Davila" U.M.P. at "Nicolae Malaxa" Clinical Hospital is a Coordinator of Residents programme for the Allergy and Clinical Immunology specialty in the Bucharest University Center, and a member of the Allergy and Clinical Immunology Committee of the Romanian Ministry of Health.

Residents training modules include theoretical and practical training activities. In the allergy and clinical immunology training modules, theoretical training includes didactic activities consisting of lecture lessons, electronic presentations, including series of mini-lectures, correlated with case-based discussions or clinical / exercise scenarios, and practical training includes patient-centered activities, clinical maneuvers and procedures, in vivo tests / challenges in the clinic of allergy and clinical immunology, and laboratory immunology activities, with presentations and discussions on principles, indications, methodology and laboratory techniques immunology, assisted or simulation of education and / or performance, in vivo and in vitro tests of allergy and immunology, direct observation of procedural skills, interpretation in clinical and laboratory settings, patient supervision, demonstration of communication skills by presentations or reports. Where appropriate, other continuing medical education and research activities may also be included.

The training curriculum for residents in Allergy and Clinical Immunology can be downloaded online here:

Curriculum in the Specialty of Clinical Allergology and Immunology for residents undergoing training in 2018:


Curriculum in the Specialty of Clinical Allergology and Immunology for residents entering the residents programme in 2018:


Continuing Medical Education (EMC) Courses Allergy and Clinical Immunology:

  • Updates in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis and oral allergy syndromes
  • Aeroallergens from the perspective of European standards and molecular diagnostics
  • Food allergens from the perspective of European standards and molecular diagnostics
  • Hypersensitivity to drugs and dental materials in oral rehabilitation
  • European standards for assessing immune mediated hypersensitivity to aeroallergens and contact haptens

Details for Continuing Medical Education Courses in Allergy and Clinical Immunology of  the Allergy Discipline at "Nicolae Malaxa" Clinical Hospital can be found online:


  • education and immunotherapy in allergy
  • allergy pharmacotherapy
  • biomarkers, molecular allergy
  • Multinational ADverse Events Registry (ADER) of allergen immunotherapy (Consortium of centers from Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey developed ADER, based on the EASSI survey questionnaire); Publications: Mitsias D, Popov T, Aggelides X, Bogic M, Christoff G, Deleanu D, Dimitrov Z, Hoxha M, Konstantinou GN, Kosnik M, Misirligil Z, Mungan D, Popescu FD, Popovic-Grle S, Priftanji A, Stipic A, Stosovic R, Tomic-Spiric V, Turkalj M, Xhixha F, Calderon M, Papadopoulos NG. The multinational allergen immunotherapy ADverse Events Registry (ADER) reveals large heterogeneity in practice. Allergy. 2016, 71 (Suppl. 102): 511-512 [WOS:000383679802549]; Mitsias DI, Popov T; Bogic M, Christoff G, Deleanu D, Dimitrov Z, Hoxha M, Konstantinou GN, Kosnik M, Makris M, Misirligil Z, Mungan D, Popescu FD, Popovic-Grle S, Priftanji A, Shehu E, Stipic A, Stosovic R, Tomic-Spiric V, Turkalj M, Calderon M, Papadopoulos NG. Adverse events of allergen immunotherapy - results from over 2500 records of a multinational ADverse Events Registry (ADER). Allergy. 2016; 71 (Suppl. 102): 511 [WOS:000383679802548]
  • European awareness of allergy: promotional campaign in the European Parliament (organized by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and the European Federation of Allergy and Airway Diseases Patients Associations in the European Parliament in Brussels, with support of the European Parliament's Interest group on Allergy and Asthma and co-hosted by the Members of the European Parliament David Borrelli, Sirpa Pietikainen and Nessa Childers); Publication: Muraro A, Steelant B, Pietikainen S, Borrelli D, Childers N, Callebaut I, Kortekaas Krohn I, Martens K, Pugin B, Popescu FD, Vieru M, Jutel M, Agache I, Hellings PW. European symposium on the awareness of allergy: report of the promotional campaign in the European Parliament (26-28 April 2016). Allergy. 2017; 72(2):173-176 [DOI: 10.1111/all.13058. PMID: 27696452]
  • Research Contract withM.P. Craiova; Significant Presentation: Popescu FD, Iancau M, Popescu F. Neuroimaging and neurophysiological evaluation of H1-antihistamines safety profile. 4th International Consensus Meeting on urticaria. Urticaria 2012. Berlin Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus. 28-29 november 2012. Abstract book. U-OP-15, p 15.
  • Multilateral co-operation in research and training program within the HAENETWORK Project (Farkas H, Varga L), between Semmelweis University, Kútvölgyi Clinical Centre and subcenters from Eastern-European countries, Presented Poster: Popescu FD, Vieru M et al. A study of drug-induced angioedema without urticaria. Volume of the 5th C1 inhibitor deficiency workshop (secretary: Farkas H, Varga L), Budapest, 2007, 59 [haenet.hu]
  • Popescu FD, Vieru M, Ganea CS. Molecular allergy explorer test based on new state-of-the-art multiplex nano-bead technology in Asteraceae-hazelnut association. Allergy. 2018; 74(S105): 547 [2017 IF 361; ISSN: 0105-4538 DOI: 10.1111/all.13539]
  • Muraro A, Steelant B, Pietikainen S, Borrelli D, Childers N, Callebaut I, Kortekaas Krohn I, Martens K, Pugin B, Popescu FD, Vieru M, Jutel M, Agache I, Hellings PW. European symposium on the awareness of allergy: report of the promotional campaign in the European Parliament. Allergy. 2017; 72(2): 173-176 [2017 IF 361; ISSN: 0105-4538 DOI: 10.1111/all.13058]
  • Popescu FD, Vieru M, Popescu F. Online microblogging providing information dissemination of anticholinergic therapy in asthma. Allergy. 2017; 72 (S103): 620-621 [2017 IF 361; ISSN: 0105-4538 DOI: 10.1111/all.13252]
  • Popescu FD, Vieru M, Ganea C, Popescu F. Allergodermia and other related obsolete terms improperly used for various skin disorders. Allergy. 2017; 72 (S103): 621-622. ISSN: 0105-4538 eISSN: 1398-9995 [2017 IF 361; ISSN: 0105-4538 DOI: 10.1111/all.13252]
  • Popescu FD. Cross-reactivity between aeroallergens and food allergens. World Journal of Methodo 2015; 5(2): 31-50 [PubMed PMID: 26140270; DOI: 10.5662/wjm.v5.i2.31]
  • Vieru M, Popescu FD. In vitro IgE sensitization to Plantago weed pollen in adult patients with allergic rhinitis from Southern Romania. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 53: S329 [2017 IF 3.556; ISSN Print: 1434-6621 https://insights.ovid.com/clinical-chemistry-laboratory-medicine/cclm/2015/ 06/001/ vitro-ige-sensitization-plantago-weed-pollen-adult/321/00115728]
  • Popescu FD. Molecular biomarkers for grass pollen immunotherapy. World Journal of Methodo 2014; 4(1): 26-45 [PubMed PMID: 25237628; DOI: 10.5662/wjm.v4.i1.26]
  • Passali D, Bellusi LM, Kern EB, Sarafoleanu C, Popescu FD. Rhinosinusal inflammation and infections: modern thinking and current treatment. Bucharest: The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy; 2013, 201 p [ISBN: 978-973-27-2288-6 Editura Academiei Romane cod CNCSIS 164]
  • Popescu FD. 喘息における薬剤による遺伝子発現調節 (Pharmacological modulation of gene expression in asthma, in Japanese and English) International Review of Asthma. 2005; 7(2): 74-90 [ISSN: 1344-1612 Osaka-shi: Medical Review Co, メディカルレビュー社 database Japan https://mol.medicalonline.jp/archive/search?jo=ai1asthd&ye=2005&vo=7&issue=2]
  • Popescu FD. Antisense- and RNA interference-based therapeutic strategies in allergy. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2005; 9(4): 840-853 [2005 IF 3.606; ISSN: 1582-1838 DOI: 1111/j.1582-4934.2005.tb00383.x]