O1. To strengthen the research excellence of UMFCD in the field of precision medicine tools
O2. To enhance the scientific visibility of UMFCD and open new strategic networking opportunities (joint project applications, secondments of young researchers and senior staff) with the internationally leading counterparts (RHH/UCL);
O3. To increase the competitiveness of UMFCD in national, EU and international research grant competitions (competitive individual grant applications, joint collaborative project applications);
O4. To develop new (and ongoing) joint research projects in the field of endoscopic / laparoscopic minimal invasive interventions of pancreatico-biliary cancers, with emphasis also on translational components;
O5. To develop a multicentre protocol for a research project on pancreatic organoid cultures derived from EUS-FNB specimens in patients with pancreatic cancer;
O6. To improve UMFCD researchers’ and research support staff profiles with a special reference to early stage researchers (ESRs) (PhDs / postdocs of the Widening country institution & mentors from the partner institutions) that will benefit from the increased inwards and outwards mobility;
O7. To expand innovation and raise reputation at UMFCD (and its affiliated hospitals) based on intensive training in clinical research through:
O7.1 Introduction of new innovative medical services performed for the patients, including a second opinion platform and a high-risk clinic;
O7.2 Dissemination and outreach activities based on specific research results of the early-stage researchers including common workshops, conference attendance, publication of articles and reviews;
O7.3 Development of a second opinion website to be used for cases uploaded from all over the country, with tumor board functions used to determine the best possible cancer treatment and care plan for individual patients;
O8. To strengthen the research management capacities and administrative skills of the staff working in institutions from the Widening country (UMFCD and its affiliated clinical hospitals).